Wednesday, February 2, 2011

second CNY in uk

konon nya second CNY, tapi aku udah lupa CNY pertama. ke tak celebrate? ke celebrate tapi aku tak tau masa tu ialah CNY? pergi makan roasted duck, makan udang sweet and sour, makan sotong goreng tepung, makan kueh teow goreng. minum beer a.k.a chinese tea (beer haram do)

do you know what i really want to do with my life? i want to be able to draw, to paint, to sketch, to lay my hands on that beautiful pearl white canvas, to experimenting those gorgeous colours, to put aside my anger. i have my equipment. i have many sort of pencils for drawing. i bought a nice sketch book. and look at me now, i still cant draw. prolly because i have no talent. that is true, but why the hell all i have in mind is sketches that i wish i - pffftt. marah ni. tengah marah gile.

banyak sangat amarah dalam hati. maybe sebab setan banyak melekat sekitar aku. i hope a tragedy is not what i need to wake me up and realize what a beautiful life i had now.

i dont want to fuck my life

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